Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dear Mr Tesco CEO (an email)

My family have held shares in Tesco for decades. I used to be so proud that my grandfather (TE Freake) worked with Jack Cohen in the very early days of Tesco and helped to lay the foundations for the success it is today.

Now I am sickened and heartbroken to see the Tesco name being dragged through the mud in the press and social media because of your participation in 'Workfare'.

I question the ethics of Workfare myself, as jobseekers have been told to quit voluntary charity work, or work experience which was relevant to them, to come and stack shelves for you, otherwise they would lose their JSA. How is that you doing them a favour? And who stacked the shelves before? What happened to those paid jobs?

I also fear for the effect of the negative PR on my very elderly parents shareholding and the worry this financial loss will cause them.

Please think again about participation in Workfare and whether it is worth it to Tesco.

Yours truly,

Jane Salisbury

Friday, February 3, 2012

Hello again Blog!

What a surprise to see you, I wondered where you were and what I'd called you.

I have some photography stuff online now so maybe I'll have something more interesting than Sainsbury's to talk about. And maybe not.